Two Players splitting screen on Unity

To get this effect on your game you only need to do 2 steps.

spliting game screen

  1. You need to resize your main camera

  2. Instantiate a new camera to go to the other side of the main camera

You need to resize your main camera

Change the width size of the Viewport Rect from your main camera to 0.5 as the image below:

main camera viewport rect with width 0.5

Instantiate a new camera to go to the other side of the main camera

Instantiate a new Camera and set the x position of the viewport rect to 0.5 and width to 0.5. That means that the camera will appear in the 0.5 with a width 0.5. As the image below:

Create a script to follow the correct player

Create a new C# script and attach it to the camera and set the correct player in the inspector.

public class FollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject player;    
    private void LateUpdate()
        //Set camera position to player position + offset
        transform.position = player.transform.position;

This will make the camera follow the correct player.