
  1. What is Maven
  2. How to install
  3. How to create a new Maven project
  4. Group id
  5. Archetype
  6. Artifact ID
  7. Project Structure
  8. How to add dependencies in your project
  9. How to add remote repository
  10. How to build your maven application
  11. How to generate a package
  12. How to install your application
  13. How to deploy your application in a local or remote repository
  14. What is plugins tag

What is Maven

Is a project manager tool to help you build your application and manage dependencies.

How to install

To install on linux:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install maven

check if maven is installed:

mvn -version

How to create a Maven project

Just create a normal project and select Maven option.

You need to be careful about a few things: groupId, archetype and artifactId.

Group Id

It’s the company name with org. or com. prefixes. It will create folders with the correspond GroupId value.


It’s the configuration to set to create other types of project. It will configure your project to it.


If you want to create a jira plugin, then select the jira-plugin-archetype. ]

By default, it does not use one.

Artifact ID

It’s the name of the project. It will appear in the JAR file or WAR file when build your application.

Project Structure

    - src
        - main
            - java
                - com
                    - organization                       
            - resources
        - test
            - java
            - resources
    - pom.xml

pom.xml is the maven configuration file. It contains the dependencies and other configs.

How to add dependencies in your project

Inside pom.xml add inside the <project></project> tag add the tag <dependencies></dependencies>.

In dependencies tag you will add your dependencies. How? just like this:

  1. Add another tag called <dependency></dependency>

  2. Add the group id and artifact id of your dependency


  3. You can add the version of the dependency


  4. You can add the scope tag to set how the dependency will be used.

    compile, provided, runtime, system, test Example:


You need to save your project and download dependencies after that.

How to add remote repository

It’s common for companies to have their own dependency repository to storage their own package. So, to add their remote repository to your pom.xml for maven download their packages you just need to add two tags: <repositories></repositories> and <repository></repository>.



Now maven will search for this repository to download dependencies.

Inside url tag you can add a folder or a private url, or an IP to an internal server…

How to build your maven application

To compile your project:

mvn compile

To clean target folder:

mvn clean

If it result on a error saying that you are using the wrong JAVA version, then you need to configure the default JAVA version to use on your project.


Everything that is related to build, you set inside the build tag on pom.xml

You can run mvn test to execute tests from your application.

How to generate a package

Maven has a command to create the package, aka build, of your application.

mvn package

This command will check inside pom.xml to verify what type of file will be created, if it’s a JAR or a WAR.

This file will be stored inside the target/ folder.

To configure the packaging type just add the tag packaging in pom.xml


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    //other configs
    // ...

How to install your application

You can use this command to install your application

mvn install

This will make a build, package and install in your local computer.

How to deploy your application in a local or remote repository

mvn deploy

To use this you need to configure local repository inside the repositories tag in the pom.xml

What is plugins tag

Inside this tag you will store all plugins that will help application build. You can check all plugins available clicking here.

And that is it for now.

This is the article explaning a few things about Maven and how to use it.

Don’t forget to eat clean and drink water.